Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An End in Sight

Massage is my saving grace. As someone with enthesitis, having those painful connections worked over by a great massage therapist is better than any drug for relieving pain. It's what I do; at least two or three times a month.

Despite the barriers, like my insurance not covering this essential service, massage always finds a way on my schedule. Like chiropractic, I need it to stay functional. Now, there's a glitch in my plan. Something that is becoming increasingly frustrating. Another mystery (as if I needed another).

Sudden vision loss. Sounds crazy, right? But, after my most recent massage, I was walking out like I'd had too much to drink. I knew something was wrong but it took me a minute to realize what it was. After covering each eye, I finally realized my left eye was not working. This was not the first time for sudden vision loss, but the first time only one eye was affected. So, I took it in stride.

First: I needed a Starbucks. Second: I called my eye doctor for a same-day appointment. By the time I arrived at his office, my vision had returned to normal. The sight had slowly returned over the course of an hour and a half. The eye looks good. The cause of it all remains unknown. The eye doctor suggests ruling out vasospasm caused by mastocytosis...so, that will be my next medical mystery.

I would have never guessed that an end in sight for my health problems might literally be an end in sight!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Livering it Up

Bad Girl, I have been. My liver numbers are a little high. Too much drink with my weekly toxins, aye? Who knows. My blood results are nicely decorated with many bolded lines: low calcium, high liver, low blood count, and more.

As I've felt pretty good recently, except for pain and severe exhaustion; my body is getting even. Not been working out or eating well, and I have enjoyed a few beers this month (no exaggeration, two). Two is too many to mix with my favorite drug, Methotrexate, however. So, dry now. I'm on the wagon in the hopes of cleaning up the numbers and avoiding a liver biopsy. Cheers!